Objective to give suggestions on the key point of medical cost control and adjustment direction of the structure of the medical service price. 目的:分析门诊、临床诊疗、手术、医技诊疗四大类医疗服务项目的直接成本构成,对医疗成本的控制重点和价格结构调整的方向提出建议。
Work is defined as the product of a force and the distance through which its point of application moves in the direction of the force. 功的定义是力和力的着力点沿力的方向移动的距离的乘积。
To integrate audit resources is a complicated activity of resources allocation which should be considered from an overall point of view in its direction and path. 审计资源整合是一项复杂的资源配置活动,必须从全局角度规划和设计审计资源整合的方向和路径。
The integrated teaching mode is focal point of the reform of vocational education and direction, and a kind of new teaching idea, there are unique characteristic and intension. 一体化教学模式是职业改革的重点和方向,是一种新的教学理念,有着独特的特点与内涵。
For a given value of the parameter, the method searches for an optimum point of the approximate function in a descent direction. 该方法对给定的参数在下降方向寻找逼近函数的最优点。
By the two test schemes, the point of crack initiation, the fracture direction and the size effect of strength of brittle material HT200 in the process of compression are studied. 通过两种试验方案,研究了脆性材料HT200在压缩过程中的启裂点、断裂方向以及强度的尺寸效应。
The article also put forwards that the point of Strategic Interest is the basic direction for the Yunnan Province to join the cooperation in this region, and is also the basis for other countries in GMS to participate and promote the economic cooperation successfully. 文章提出,战略利益观是中国云南参与大湄公河次区域经济合作的基本观,同时也是次区域各国参与和推动次区域经济合作顺利进行的基石。
Point Accuracy of the Resection by Direction Observing 方向观测后方交会的点位精度
This paper proposes ideas of ways of reform and innovation of P.E doctoral program from the historical point of view, the research direction, the student type, the cultivation system, and the standard of dissertation etc. 从体育学博士生教育的历史视野、研究方向、人才类型、培养制度、论文规范等方面,提出了改革创新的理念和设想。
From point of view of stress concentration direction, the composite stress formula of stress concentration position of steam turbine rotor surface has been established by means of Mises criterion. A calculation example has been given. 从转子表面热应力集中的方向性角度,利用Mises准则,建立了转子表面应力集中部位的合成应力公式,给出了计算实例。
The paper introduces the intension and classification of sports science in a dialectical materialist point of view which researches on the domain and direction of present sports science, reveals the general laws governing its development, and thus clearly points out the direction of sports science research. 运用辩证唯物的观点,对体育科学的内涵、分类进行了论述,对当前体育科学研究的视野与发展方向进行了研究,揭示了体育科学发展的一般规律,为当前体育科学研究指明了方向。
From a culture development point of view, the direction of art reformation is heading to personality showing and independence pursuing. 从人类的文化发展历程来看,艺术形式的演变是朝着张扬个性,追求独立,分道扬镳方向发展的。
It is the key point of deciding the direction and efficiency of Chinese teaching. 它是决定语文教学方向和效率的关键。
The Relation between the Principal Direction on a Point of the Surface and the Principal Direction of the Quadric Curve 曲面上一点的主方向与二次曲线的主方向的关系
From the point of all direction attack, the paper obtains a random optimal guidance law which the air-to-air missiles can defeat targets in all directions by applying optimal control theory and kalman filtering theory. 本文从全向攻击的基本思想出发,用最优控制理论和卡尔曼滤波理论推导出能使空-空导弹进行全向攻击的随机最优制导律。
The thesis also explains the feasibility of tax planning in modern financial management of enterprises from the point of the direction of tax policy, the difference in the elements of tax law structure and internationalization of market economy. 还从税收政策导向性、税法构成要素的差异性和市场经济国际化等方面,阐述了现代企业财务管理下进行税收筹划的可行性。
The paper introduces the working principle and character of wire direction control system that is the important matching equipment with directional drilling machine. By actual experience the article summarizes the technical point of wire direction control system in directional crossing engineering. 介绍定向钻机的重要配套设备&有线控向系统的工作原理和特点,根据工程使用经验,总结了有线控向系统在定向钻穿越施工应用中的技术要点。
Singular Point Detection of Fingerprint Based on Direction 基于方向的指纹奇异点提取
In this paper, the approximate polygon for irregular shapes, the protruding and concave point of polygon, the direction of polygon, the area of polygon, the single, face to face, frock, combinable packing are talked. 对不规则件的多边形近似表示、多边形凸、凹点、多边形方向、多边形面积和多边形单排、对排、双排以及联排的预先处理进行了探讨。
From static point of view, the changing direction of corporate governance is decided by strong interest groups. 从静态角度看,公司治理结构变迁的方向由一个国家中强势利益集团决定;
And then, in order to choose the starting point of the industrial structure adjustment and the direction of gray dynamic input-output model, this article analyzes the impact on industrial structure changes caused by investment and consumption. 然后分析了投资和消费对产业结构变动的影响,为产业结构的调整选择切入点,同时也为第四章灰色动态投入产出模型的建立指明方向。
To develop the marine engineering equipment industry has become further adjust the industrial structure, enhance the development of space, cultivate new economic growth point of strategic direction. 大力发展海洋工程装备行业也已成为我国进一步调整产业结构、提升发展空间、培养新经济增长点的战略方向。
Structure form in time domain seismic cross-section often distort, such as high point deviate, attitude of stratum ( direction and angle of dip) deform away from the true. 时间域地震剖面上的构造形态时常发生畸变,例如高点偏离,地层产状(倾向、倾角)失真等。
In this method, first using principal component analysis ( PCA) method space characters were flattened, and then the characteristics of turning point and the characteristics of the stroke direction were extracted. 该方法首先利用主元分析方法将空间手写字符平面化,然后提取字符拐点和笔画方向特征。
Theoretically speaking, the life_world theory begins a new prospective for the study on Marxism. From the point of practice, it gives theoretical direction for the construct of socialist harmonious society. 从理论上讲,生活世界开创了马克思主义创新研究的新视角;从实践上讲,生活世界理论是构建社会主义和谐社会的理论指导。
Finally, we sum up innovations, point out the limitations of the study and the direction for future research. 最后,本文探讨了本研究对改善企业人力资源管理的政策建议,并总结了本文的创新点、研究局限以及研究展望。
Based on the Chapter III, Chapter IV quantitatively analysed the agricultural informatization on the impact of agricultural TFP. This analysed results provide theoretical support for the construction of agricultural informatization and, but also point out the of developing direction of agricultural informatization in China. 在第三章的基础上,本文第四章定量的分析了农业信息化对农业TFP的影响,分析结果为我国农业信息化建设提供了理论支持,也指明了我国农业信息化发展的方向。
Offer policy support for network enterprises to improve the level of service quality. And point out the limitation of this thesis and the direction for further research. 最后,结合实证结果对网络企业的经营提出合理性的建议,帮助网络企业改进与提高服务质量水平提供决策支持,并指出本文的局限性和进一步的研究方向。
Finally, the paper compares the old and new departments performance evaluation index system, puts forward a proposal of implementing steps and security, and summarizes the innovation point of this paper and the direction of future research. 最后,本文对比了新旧部门绩效考核指标体系,提出了方案的实施步骤和保障,并总结了本文的创新点和未来的研究方向。
The connecting precision bead shafting with circular grating sensor, computation in the process of measurement for each measuring point of the radial runout error value offset direction and shaft, partial eliminates implementation errors. 将精密密珠轴系与圆光栅传感器联接,计算在测量过程中每一测量点对应的径跳误差值与轴的偏移方向,实现误差的无偏消除。